“[The current climate crisis] is a code red for humanity...The viability of our societies depends on leaders from government, business and civil society uniting behind policies, actions and investments that will limit temperature rise to 1.5°C. We owe this to the entire human family…”
-- António Guterres, UN Secretary-General
Let’s empower schools worldwide to lead the transition to a sustainable, equitable, and climate-resilient future.
What if every school was a sustainable school?
Schools can and should be levers for sustainable change.
As laboratories of learning, schools can spur the leadership and innovation that is critical to securing a climate-resilient future. Schools should model and develop practices that fulfill the needs of current generations without compromising the needs of future generations. They should transform into engines for change in their communities.
With over 130,000 preK-12 schools across the US, serving over 150 million students, the US education sector is positioned for catalytic impact.
Together, we can make this a reality.
What do schools need?
Schools need a roadmap to Whole School Sustainability and Regenerative Practice.
They need guidance and a way to measure, plan, organize, and track their efforts.
They need programs and tools that engage students and staff in transformative sustainability education, leadership, and action.
They need a way to share ideas, resources, and best practices with other schools, removing barriers to progress and accelerating change.
Created by schools, for schools through the Green Schools Alliance, START: Sustainability Tracking, Analytics & Roadmap Tool empowers them to meet this moment.
Learn how START works here.
“What I love about START is that it turns school sustainability from one person’s passion project into a whole system approach - something comprehensive that will last even when people leave.”
Margo Murphy- Fivetowns School District, Maine
“START has been a huge asset to us. START has allowed us to benchmark, prioritize, and identify areas where we can maximize our impact. In the short term, we've used START to identify focuses such as creating a standing sustainability committee, creating a sustainability mission statement, and several other projects. As a long-term tool, START has also allowed us to begin developing a long-term sustainability plan as we work towards integrating sustainability into our curriculum, operations, and governance.”
Jordan Coulombe - Pingree School, Massachusetts
Some schools have had students take the lead with START.
"I really LOVE the tool and want to do more with it next year. Our students clearly value it as well."
Karl Frank - Campbell Hall School, California

Where START is now:
Schools across the U.S. and beyond have launched their Whole School Sustainability programs through START. Our goal is to expand its reach and impact, to supercharge the Sustainable Schools Movement and empower schools worldwide to lead the transition to a healthy, climate-resilient and regenerative future!
Click arrow in black bar —> to see our growing community of START schools
Where START Can Go With Your Support:
ESG benchmarking is becoming more important in all sectors, and trends indicate it will likely be a requirement for schools in the future. As the first and only Whole School Sustainability benchmarking tool, START is poised for widespread adoption and impact. With your support, we can ensure START is as powerful a program as possible to guide, support, incentivize, and accelerate schools on their Whole School Sustainability journey.
START can harness the power of technology, innovation, education, and collaboration to supercharge the Sustainable Schools Movement
Opportunities for Funding/ Sponsorship Recognition:
Schools naturally have large audiences, from students and staff to parents and their wider communities. For funding that substantially or wholly meets a START need(s) (listed in the following pages), the Green Schools Alliance welcomes proposals for sponsor recognition, naming, and/or branding related to that need (in the START tool itself, its related materials, communications and/ or the GSA website).
Expected Outcomes of Funding Support:
The rapid growth in number of schools using START to launch or expand their Sustainability Programs.
Increased effectiveness and impact of the START program through an optimized Version 2.0 (automation, optimization, and expanded action-focused resources).
Schools set and achieve clear sustainability goals when schools have a step-by-step roadmap and a way to track, structure and guide their efforts.
School sustainability programs are deepened and strengthened through a central dashboard and organizational database, resilient to staff turnover.
A national standard for school sustainability that raises the bar, provides a clear direction for action, and incentivizes efficiencies and behavior-change.
As with school sports and culture, the START Scorecard generates momentum for sustainability by creating a competitive spirit between schools.
Significant aggregated outcomes when schools reduce their environmental footprint and educate for sustainability.
Students across the U.S.A. and beyond are engaged in real-world problem solving and innovation through START’s Student Activation Resources.
When sustainability becomes a norm and practice in schools, students and staff become change-makers and innovators in their communities.
For more information, contact us at start@greenschoolsalliance.org, or make a gift here.
Meeting Immediate Needs and Goals
START V1 has now officially launched, but additional support is needed to propel the program towards its potential for widespread adoption and transformative impact.
To speak with a member of our team members for more information, or about partnership, sponsorship or donation opportunities, please contact start@greenschoolsalliance.org.
As hubs of their communities, schools can increase community resilience, mitigate climate change, transform markets and policy, and prepare citizens to think and act in new and creative ways, so that present and future generations can thrive. Together, we can empower them to meet this moment.