A Framework for
School Sustainability

START provides a long-needed, comprehensive and step-by-step framework for holistic school sustainability.

When the Green Schools Alliance first set out to create a sustainability benchmarking tool for schools, we were determined to build it on a strong foundation of evidence-based approaches.

And when we came across the Whole School Sustainability (WSS) Framework* — a research study performed by the Institute for the Built Environment at Colorado State University (and adopted by the US Center for Green Schools) — it was clear that it was the gold standard for comprehensive and effective school sustainability.

The research shows that, in order to be successful, schools must adopt a whole-system approach that integrates sustainability into all aspects of a school organization, specifically its Educational Programs, Organizational Culture, and Physical Place.  

With the Whole School Sustainability Framework as its strong academic backbone, and by promoting interdepartmental learning and collaboration, START provides a step-by-step roadmap to for your school’s sustainability journey.

  • Educational Programs

    equip the next generation of thinkers, doers and innovators with the knowledge, skills and optimism they need to thrive in a changing world.

  • Organizational Culture

    is the heartbeat of a school. It shapes attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors and generates decisions and actions that directly impact a school's environmental and social footprint.

  • Physical Place

    should promote the health and wellbeing of students, educators and staff, as well as our shared planet. Schools should model stewardship and solutions for their communities.

53 Actionable Metrics

Where do we even start? How do we measure how sustainable we are? And where to we go next?

START breaks up the complexity of Whole School Sustainability into 53 actionable metrics, across 3 levels of achievement, spanning a school’s:

  • Educational Programs


    Co-curricular activities


  • Organizational Culture

    Sustainability coordination

    Purchasing & planning

    Community engagement

    Diversity & affordability

    Employee training

  • Physical Place

    Health & Wellness Air & Climate

    Buildings & grounds


    Food service


    Waste management
