Inspiration Starts with You.
“Sc3 is more than just an educational program. You find a family away from home. You find people that are genuinely eager to learn and think critically about the environment and climate change. I guarantee after experiencing Sc3, you will become a different person.” ~ Addison, Sc3 2023 Student Fellow
“I can say with full confidence that Sc3 was one of the most valuable experiences I have ever had. The connections I made transcended expectations, and gave me confidence in my decision to pursue an environmental career. No matter where you are in life, no matter your interests, as long as you hold in your heart the need to make positive change in the world, Sc3 is exactly where you’re supposed to be.” ~ Ren, Sc3 2023
Support Sc3 Students with a Scholarship or Sponsorship
Donations and sponsors allow us to offer more scholarships and offset costs so Sc3 can be possible for any student who wishes to attend. Learn more about Sc3 >
A La Carte Donation Menu
Choose the item(s) that speak to you.
Half Scholarship $995
Full Scholarship $1,995
ONE Student $75
ALL Students $7,500
ONE Break $150
ALL 8 Breaks $1,200
Closing Campfire & S’mores $500
ONE T-shirt $15
ALL T-shirts $1,500
Levels & Benefits
How we will recognize our donors.
Listing on the digital daily agenda
Listing on the digital daily agenda
Small logo or name on the Sc3 t-shirt
Small logo or name on the digital daily agenda
Small logo or name on the Sc3 t-shirt
Small logo or name on the Green Schools Alliance Website
Large logo or name on the digital daily agenda
Large logo or name on the Sc3 t-shirt
Large logo or name on the Green Schools Alliance Website
Special shoutout during the opening session and on Social Media
Donate securely online:
Include a comment telling us how you would like your donation to be used (see menu above).
Donate by check:
Include a message telling us how you would like your donation to be used (see menu above).
Make check payable to "Green Schools Alliance" and mail to:
Green Schools Alliance
85 Delancey St, FL 2
New York, NY 10002
Questions about making a donation? Please email donate@greenschoolsalliance.org
Green Schools Alliance is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, Tax ID #13-3831327. Donations are tax-deductable.
Know a student who is perfect for Sc3?
Have any questions?
Contact us at Sc3@greenschoolsalliance.org